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The Abrams Promise
Quality, Security, Safety
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Fleet Safety solutions.
Your Fleet – Our solutions
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Safe driving is our mission. Because we want to protect drivers, pedestrians and vehicle owners, we utilize the most innovative emergency vehcile lighting technology in every product.
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Reliable products,
affordable pricing.
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Popular Products
Abrams is a world leader in emergency vehicle safety. Our products are built using only the highest quality materials and technology. We care about you and value the amazing work you do, and that’s why we want you to have access to the best and the most cost effective solutions on the market.
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Dash Lights
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Sirens & Speakers
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Grille & Surface
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Backup Alarms
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Our top-notch manufacturing process is sure to satisfy Government standards of vehicle safety. See why we’re partnered with various government sectors and have become the “go to” for Emergency products.
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Operating a fleet of vehicles is a large responsibility and we are sure that you will do everything to keep your drivers safe. Safe driving is our mission. Trust us to be your safety partners.
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Nothing beats original manufacturer quality other than original manufacturer service – We’re proud to provide both! Abrams MFG provides enterprise level quality across all facets of our OEM process, from system customization to production.
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GSA & Municipality
Our top-notch manufacturing process is sure to satisfy Government standards of vehicle safety. See why we’re partnered with various government sectors and have become the “go to” for Emergency products.
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Our Promise
Abrams cares about our customers. That’s why we apply our expertise on safe driving to every industry that needs it, including: school buses, boats, transit buses, commercial trucks, home/RV, emergency and industrial.
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We Save Lives
We believe in making the world a safer place for drivers and pedestrians,because we care about people
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Vehicle Solution Wizard
Not sure what product you need? Use our wizard to find the perfect safety solutions for your vehicle
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Find your local abrams dealer
Looking for your local Abrams Installer, Dealer or distributor? Enter your location information into the Abrams Dealer Locator, and addresses, maps and links will point you toward Abrams installers, dealers & distributors.
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Product Support
The Abrams Support page is where you will find answers to frequently asked questions and resources to help with all of your Abrams products.
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[testimonial image_width=”20″ name=”Eric Casner” company=”02-07-2016″ font_size=”xlarge” stars=”0″]
We have been dealing with many brand name companies in the industry for over 20 years. We have never had a better experience than we have with Abrams products. Shipping is always on time and always backs us with great products and great customer service. We highly recommend purchasing Abrams products, they are a much greater quality and they also have a team that can be reached for any problems or exchanges.
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[testimonial image_width=”20″ name=”Ashley Frazier” company=”03-05-2017″ font_size=”xlarge” stars=”0″]
Wow, what an amazing company! We previously used a company based in china for our fleets needs, until we found Abrams, the prices are phenomenal the customer service is very professional and very well informed about all of their products. Abrams will be our go to company for all our lights and sirens from now on. Thanks for great products and service!
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[testimonial image_width=”20″ name=”Nick Koehler” company=”01-15-2017″ font_size=”xlarge” stars=”0″]
I purchased a few Abrams Lights and sirens for our fleet, they came in as expected and on time, Intsallartion was quick and simple. We had one beacon that was faulty, we contacted Abrams and tried to troubleshoot the issue, but it still did not work, we eventually sent it and recived a brand new 100% working beacon.
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